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You can access the course videos and guides below. Make you to keep an eye on your inbox for more great resources that are coming your way soon! 


Start Here: Lesson #1

Part of building a strong partnership with your horse is understanding their perspective. Lesson #1 introduces you to the 6 Reasons for Undesirable Behaviour in Horses.

By understanding and identifying why a horse acts a certain way, we can then go about solving the problem from its source. This allows for growth as well as a long-term solution. 

Keep this information handy and download the free guide that goes with the video!


Learn More: Lesson #2

Understanding your horse's nervous system is an essential part of building a solid relationship. In lesson #2 we explore Equine Trauma vs Equine Behaviour Issues.

By identifying whether a horse is dealing with unresolved trauma or simply expressing themselves in the present moment through their behaviour, we can choose how to best support them. 

Tune in to discover how to take your horse/human partnership to the next level!


Explore a deeper, more fulfilling partnership with horses.

Insights, stories and reflections on horses, leadership and life.

The Learnable Superpower

Apr 09, 2024

When to push and when to pause

Apr 08, 2024

Taming your gremlins, AKA Mindful Performance

Apr 02, 2024